Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kick off!

Now that it's officially fall, I remember why I love it so much. It's an easy thing to forget over an entire year, but it always comes back the same. I love the just right weather. The smell, the way a dirt road looks covered with leafs of different colors. It's a wonderful thing. I hope I never become immune to the simple things I love so much. Sometimes it worries me that I'll forget them, like how Christmas isn't the same when you grow up. I think as we grow up we lose ourselves. We take ourselves much more seriously and I am no exception. I understand the concept of growing up, moving forward and taking on more responsibilites, but can we have fun in the process? I think if we stopped and took in the little moments that really mean the most to us, life could be a much more amazing journey.
And with that Kick off fall 2009 with a bang.
And Blog away!
Oh yeah, and this blog is dedicated to ZK. Hutch.

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